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Sugar River Pizza Co. Redesign

Project role: Logo Redesign, Menu Design 

I redesigned the logo and menu of a local pizza restaurant near me.


My changes here are simple. I wanted to retain the general look of the logo as I thought it looked good and I did not want to disrupt the identity of

the restaurant completely. I thought having the "S" on the right side of the logotype was awkward. I also changed the leg of the "R" leading into the "P", It was hard to read the R from afar.


I also made an alternative logo when smaller prints are needed.


Old Logo

New Logo


Alt Logo


The original menu was extremely condensed and difficult to read. It

was a challenge to condense so many menu items into one sheet, but by utilizing multiple columns I was able to give more space for the text to breathe.


I was also bothered by the inconsistency between center-aligned and left-aligned text. I chose to make all the text left-aligned for the sake of consistency.

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