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Contour Hiking App

Project role: Logo, Brand Identity 

Contour is a concept for an app with the goal of helping users discover nearby hiking trails. The challenge was to make a brand for the younger to middle-aged demographic. As well as making a brand that is focused on nature and the outdoors while also making it modern and technological.  Everything about this project was made with screens in mind.

The Logo

I felt it was important to incorporate actual elements of nature. The shape within the pin

is an outline of the summit of "Lookout Mountain"

in Georgia: the client's favorite hiking spot.


Rough Drafts


Final Design

Visual Language

"Arvo" was used as the primary type. I chose agood slab serif

that works well on screens. Slab serif was chosento connotate imagery of the frontier while still maintaining a modern look.

The geometric letter shapes were selected to mirror the contour

line design element. While the letters arelegible, some numbers

are hard to read at a distance. Roboto was chosen as the secondary type to alleviate this issue.


A monotone jungle green color palette was chosen to stay

simple while evoking nature's imagery. I decided not to use

a pure white background color so that light mode wouldn't

be so harsh on the viewer's eyes.

color type.png

Brand Application

Below is a visualization of online advertisements for the company. The idea is to inform people the benefits of using Contour.

INST group.png
INST Woman.png
INST Forest.png
INST Forest blurb.png
INST group blurb.png
INST Woman blurb.png


Below is a typical list of merchandise that can be bought in the store. The items were chosen based on typical gear that would be brought along for a hike. 

Drawstring Bag.png
business card final.png
Software used




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